Pick Up and Shipping Request Form

Please fill out and submit the following form.

  • Central Distribution Services is not responsible for freight charges/ billing.
  • Freight charges/ billing will be handled between the Dept./ Vendor and Purchasing Services (814-865-7561).
  • Upon receipt of completed form, Central Distribution Service will contact Department to coordinate pick-up.
  • Once Shipment Pick-up is coordinated/ scheduled with the Freight Carrier, Central Distribution Service will send you a copy of the Freight Carrier’s Bill of Lading for your records.

Note: $55/ per hour rate (per person) will apply for Non-Core Campus Locations.

Pick-up Information

Ship-to Information


Department Authorization/Billing Information

Authorized By (full name)
Cost Object

Freight Billing:
CDS in not responsible for actual freight fees/contact Purchasing Services for any billing questions.

CDS will utilize PSU contracted carrier.  Please check here if you are utilizing any other carrier.


Itemize materials above, giving a complete description, and stating in detail why the material is being shipped. Indicate approximate total size, weight of shipment, and number of cartons.
Reason For Shipment

If Applicable